There is a Phase 1 and Phase 2 of everything.
Between Phase 1 and Phase 2, there is a crack - otherwise there would only be Phase 1.
The crack is how the love gets in...
It could be that Everything has a Phase 3 too, however, we haven't figured out what that is yet...
except in 3 Phase Healing!
It does not work trying to do Phase 2 before you do Phase 1.
It would be like trying to go through a door before you are at the door.
It would be like trying to eat bread before you have planted and harvested the grain,
ground the flour, mixed the dough and baked the bread.
It would be like trying to take money out of the bank before you put any money in the bank.
The mind can imagine doing things that are crazy, but in reality it does not produce useful results.
There are different qualities of energy, attention, and behavior demanded by Phase 1 than are demanded in Phase 2. There is a lot to learn...
Phase 1 and Phase 2 of...
Possibility Management
Possibility Management Trainer
Archetypal Lineage
Bright Principles
Sword of Clarity
Anger Work
Liquid State
Gremlin Work
Navigating Space
Building Matrix
Feedback & Coach
Phase 1 & Phase 2 of Anger
On the evolutionary path, there is a Phase 1 and a Phase 2 of Everything, including of feelings work, and therefore of Anger work. There is a lot more to Anger than keeping your center, making boundaries, saying Yes or No, saying what you want, starting thing or being committed.
Phase 1 of Anger work is learning to Consciously feel anger and healing the blocks to expressing and using Anger:
From 0-100% pure intensity anger, what percentage it is, pure and not mixed, and unmix anger from other feelings, distinguish between conscious and unconscious anger, be centered, grounded, bubbled, say No, Yes, Stop, or what you want, make boundaries, decide, get your voice back, etc...
Phase 2 of anger is using your Anger for High Drama. For example:
1. Protect what is precious: Who are you a protector for? Not everybody is a protector. You are probably a protector. A protector for what? For whom? And what are you doing about it?
2. Let Gaia speak through you: Gaia is a raging force. You can make your job being Gaia’s mouthpiece. Your life does not need to belong to you anymore, you can give it Gaia.
3. Shift from boundary to Distinction: Distinctions are more powerful than rules. Distinctions are more elegant than boundaries. Refine the quality of your energetic swordswomanship and create a new future for others.
4. Be arrogant: Learn to be arrogant about your qualities, your value, and what you are bringing
5. Create the Gameworld that turns you on: When you are angry enough about not inhabiting the Gameworld you wish to live in that you might consider the possibility and necessity for you that it is you who needs to build that Gameworld. What are the next steps for you to build that Gameworld?
6. Break the rules and do what makes you ecstatic: Everything is an offer. A rule is an offer. Walk the line between your childish tantrum and your true Pirateness.
7. The anger of your parts. Let your Gremlin’s anger speak. Let your Child Ego State’s anger speak. Let your Parent Ego State’s anger speak. Let your parents' anger speak through you. Let your Adult Ego State speak. Let your Archetypal Ego State speak. Notice the different experiences.
8. Nothing changes until you get angry enough: In Emotional Healing Process or shift process, until you get angry enough about how you’ve kept things the same up to now, nothing will change.
9. Men are Angry about their Fear. Women are Afraid about their Anger. Leverage the polarity of the masculine and feminine for men and women to learn something from each other about their Anger and their Fear.
10. The Anger in Low Drama: Discover the anger in the Persecutor, the Rescuer, and the Victim
11. The Fear behind the Anger: Many emotional anger outbursts get born from deep emotional fears. Without addressing the fears, the anger cannot get transformed.
12. Use Your Anger To Live Your Destiny Moment to Moment: You cannot figure out your destiny in advance, the only thing that you can do is the next thing, even when you do not know what the next thing after that will be. It reveals itself in due time.
13. Put your Adult in the driving seat of your life: Make clear permanent boundaries with your Child Ego state, your Gremlin Ego State and your Parent Ego State. These are not loud boundaries, these a incisively clear boundaries.
14. When you apply your integrity to your clarity, what you get is discipline. Learn adult and archetypal discipline.
15. Who space is this? What is the purpose of the space? Do I agree or change the purpose?
16. What do people resist? Do you go along or do you resist? Do you go along with it or do you change something? Are you being adaptive or collaborative?
17. Going from ordinary to extraordinary takes force, takes fierceness, that’s Anger.
18. Write The Book. No explanation needed.
19. Getting things done but according to whom? Who are wanting these things to get done? Your parents, your school education, your thoughtware that “you only have value if you do something”? Are you getting things done so you can feel useful? Can you distinguish which part of you is wanting getting things done? Is it your Gremlin who loves the adrenaline of being on high on things to get done? If so, your Gremlin is probably enmeshed in your adult Ego State. Have you learned to manipulate yourself to get the things you actually want to do ‘done’? Are you doing trying to get things done so you might get to the point where ‘you have nothing to do’ and can ‘relax’? As human beings we so creative in the ways we keep ourselves in survival instead of living.Phase 1 Of Having Integrity With Yourself
A Phase 1 & Phase 2 Discovery Journey with the Polish Possibilitator Team
Thoughtmap Of The Learning Spiral
You spiral around through all 4 conditions on the Learning Spiral
at one level of competence,
and if you succeed going all the way around,
then you are back around at Unconscious Incompetence at a whole new level.
This is the Path of moving through Phase 1 and Phase 2 of everything.
You do not get it, until you get it (for real - which totally changes you)
and then you have gotten it,
which only brings you to the next thing to get.
The Path has no top end...
No matter where you are on the Path,
there is always an endless amount of Healing, Initiation, and Transformational Work to do
in your Archetypal Lineage's service to the Village.
This is good news!
Phase 1 & Phase 2 of Adulthood
Phase 1 of Adulthood begins where you are after your childhood, approximately at 18 years of age. (If you have been unschooled, this age can be as early as 16. Public schooling often blocks and distracts children from their potentials and their Path to a serious degree.)
Phase 1 of Adulthood begins with assessing to what degree you have formed your Survival Strategy around making your abuse normal.
If you make your abuse normal, then even when the abusers (or the abusive circumstances) are no longer present in your life, you do not feel 'normal' unless you continue to abuse yourself. You scream at yourself internally, judge yourself, criticize yourself, blame yourself, disempower yourself, even have 'accidents' such as crashing your bicycle, falling off a ladder, losing all your money, or continuously choosing abusive people as your partners. You have developed the skill of being able to walk into a party or conference where a mix of perhaps one-hundred people are milling about, and with a few seconds scan you find the person you (your Gremlin and Box...) are most 'attracted' to, because this is the person best suited to keep things the same for you by fulfilling the role of your abuser, or the one you can abuse as a way of abusing your own soul.
If you have not made your abuse normal, then as soon as you escape from your abusive circumstances, you bounce back to self-respect and self-care, completely releasing your abusers from your world. An indicator that you have released your abusers is that you are in a healthy evolving intimate relationship. As you can guess by looking around... not many people completely release their abusers. They are still using them.
Phase 1 of Adulthood begins with taking basic care of yourself.
Until you are able to take basic care of yourself, there is no chance for you to begin Phase 2 of Adulthood. Taking basic care of yourself includes:
- Dressing yourself.
- Feeding yourself.
- Grooming yourself.
- Giving yourself rest, water, and good food.
- Being able to maintain your personal physical space.
- Keeping others out of your Space (ending enmeshment).
- Not being Adaptive... not making that automatic smile.
- Taking your Center back from external authorities. In other words, reclaiming your own Authority.
- Inner Navigating your Feelings and Emotions.
- Unmixing your Emotions.
- Completing Incomplete Emotions.
- Making Boundaries.
- Saying what you want.
- Making and standing by your Decisions, Yes or No.
- Keeping your time and money Agreements.
- Make Commitments and keep them.
- Transforming your Gremlin.
- Decontaminating your Adult Ego State.
- Etc.
If you are NOT ongoingly helping yourself - if you are NOT in Free And Natural Adult well-being - you will not be able to help others. This seems less like a rule to us, and more like a law of physics. Gravity does not just go away. Time does not stop.
If you pretend as if you are doing Phase 1 things but you are only thinking about doing them (reading and understanding the Experiments but not actually writing the notes into your Beep! Book) - if you enact a role of 'being someone who can take care of yourself and navigate Transformational Space', but you actually cannot - then the deep healing and initiation work of Phase 2 Adulthood (for example, preparing yourself to jack-in to your Archetypal Lineage) will fail, because you yourself are not actually 'there'. You are putting on a show. You are not authentically Present as yourself.
More evolutionary Pathwalkers than one might imagine wonder why evolution is not working for them... How long will you keep pretending instead of getting real and starting over where you are?
If this is the case for you, the cause may be quite simple: You were not there.
You let the Child or Gremlin, Parent or Demon Ego States stay in control of your Adult Ego State. These contaminating Ego States work well as a Survival Strategy to keep things the same, but they interfere voraciously when your wish is to engage in an evolutionary Path. The invasive Ego States will not let changes actually happen because their job is to 'protect you by keeping things the same'. They are 'only doing their job'.
If you discover this has happened for you, there is nothing else but to start over from zero with a new set of internal and external Distinctions (Upgraded Thoughtware) about Transforming your Gremlin and Decontaminating your Adult Ego State, and possibly shifting to a new Team.
Starting Over can work, but the chances are enhanced by arranging to be on a Team with some skilled Possibilitators. As a consolation, it can help to recognize that any authentic Matrix that you previously built remains to support your further development. Whatever is real cannot burn.
Once Phase 1 of Adulthood has been accomplished, E.C.C.O. (Earth Coincidence Control Office) senses it directly. E.C.C.O. will start putting new kinds of jobs and challenges on your bench. This is the signal to start engaging Phase 2 Adulthood Practices.
A condition which sometimes arises for Pathwalkers is that you may have actually gained the skills and made the Healing and Initiatory changes that together accomplish Phase 1 of Adulthood, BUT, you have stayed there a little too long and crystallized Phase 1 practices into habit. You made the conclusion that, "This is Adulthood."
Here you are, standing at the Doorway to Phase 2 Adulthood, with your back towards the Doorway. You are facing the opposite direction and do not even know that the Doorway is there, directly behind your back.
You think you have achieved Adulthood because when you feel angry, you make boundaries! You express your feelings. You say what you want. You can say, "Stop!" and "No!" You can Hold Space with your Center, Grounding Cord, and Bubble. And yes, you have achieved Adulthood... Phase 1 Adulthood.
Phase 2 Adulthood is an entirely different universe.
You cannot enter Phase 2 Adulthood before accomplishing Phase 1 Adulthood, BUT... the transition from Phase 1 Adulthood to Phase 2 Adulthood is not automatic. You will need to turn around and face the opposite direction that you are accustomed to and familiar with and feeling so good about facing.
Not only that, but you will need to let go of Phase 1 Adulthood in order to enter Phase 2 Adulthood. It is a scary and groundless Flux Point, but it need not take very long. If you can recognize the habits you have taken on in Phase 1 Adulthood and make them conditional rather than automatic and habitual, then you gain the choice of being able to let them go and use entirely new Possibilitator Skills - Phase 2 Adulthood Possibilitator Skills.
When, for example, 'Making A Boundary' becomes optional rather than mandatory, you gain the Possibility of using the same experiences you are Noticing in the Space for a completely upgraded set of Purposes. For example, rather than using your Conscious Anger to create a rigid or solidified state of Boundaries, you can create a more fluid and Navigable condition by using your Conscious Anger to make Distinctions, Proposals, Invitations, Discovery Questions, Vacuum Learning, and Intimacy Negotiation.
As you turn and walk through the Phase 2 Adulthood Doorway, your playing field expands to the horizon. Whoa! Time to fly!
Phase 2 of Adulthood blossoms each moment out of a radically different Point Of Origin than does Phase 1 Adulthood.
To give you some idea of what Phase 2 Adulthood might include, consider:
- Living the Moments, Decisions, Creations and Relations of your day Centered, Grounded, and Bubbled in First Position of a Possibilitator.
- Caring Communication free of Reactivity.
- Making Distinctions to Navigate Nonlinear, Unreasonable, and Transformational Spaces.
- Say What You Want.
- Not Being Adaptive.
- Being Unhookable.
- Being a Problem.
- Creating Clarity.
- Using your 13 Tools.
- Using Problems as Healing and Transformational Solutions.
- Stellated Feelings.
- Making Offers and Transformational Proposals.
- Standing in the Minimized NOW of Immediatism.
- Negotiating Intimacies for 5 Body Intimacy Journeys.
- Escaping the Patriarchy.
- Using your Archetypal Lineage and Infinite Resources to build-out new Archiarchy gamespace in the global ethnosphere.
- Improvising each step of the way as a Free And Natural Adult.
- Being the Space through which your Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage can do their work in the world.
- Bowing down to your Muse and writing Articles, Websites, Newsletters, Film Scripts, and Books.
- Deliver WorkTalks, Workshops, Rage Club, Possibility Team, and Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) as part of your Nonmaterial Value.
- Creating Possibility.
- Shift to Archiarchal Economics.
- Generate Yellow Stuff (Archetypal Love) in the world.
- Explore Archiamory.
- Have Integrity with yourself being Archan.
- Being Radically Responsible.
- Radically Relying on your Infinite Resources.
- Being Radically Honest in your Radical Relating.
Phase 1 & Phase 2 Experiments
While we're on the subject, there is also Phase 1 and Phase 2 in experimentation. Phase 2 has to do with writing the results of the experiment into your BEEP!Book and implementing them into your life. Without Phase 2, experimenting is like reading calendar verses. It's okay to read calendar verses. But no one can stop you from finding your own meaning and quotes.
Matrix Code PHASE1N2.01
For one week, eat only when you are hungry. Don't eat out of habit, out of boredom, because others are eating, or because it looks delicious.
It may take a while before you really have that sensation of being hungry. Wait.There is a difference between appetite and hunger. Explore this.
When you are hungry and eat something, eat very slowly.
Chew each bite 40 times until it is well chewed. Your digestive organs have now already received the information about exactly what food is on its way via the sensors and can prepare the right digestive juices.
Eat only until the sensation of hunger has completely disappeared. Then stop eating immediately. Now wait until you are hungry again.
Write down in your BEEP!Book what you feel when you are hungry.
How do you perceive hunger? What signals does your body send?
What do you feel when you choose not to eat even though others are eating?
Throughout the week, note changes in your physical body.
At the end of the week, write down three points about what consequences you would like to draw from your experiment for the next 6 months.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code PHASE1N2.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code PHASE1N2.02
Drink a glass of water while standing on your head. If you can't do a headstand, lie down so that your head is much lower than your stomach, for example, with your legs and pelvis on the sofa and your head and upper body on the floor.
Observe how you have to move your mouth and lips to drink and swallow like this. How do you have to hold the glass so you don't spill? How does the esophagus work and carry the water to the stomach? What do you feel?After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code PHASE1N2.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code PHASE1N2.03
Find out what your morning routine looks like:
You have 5 bodies (physical / intellectual / emotional / energetic / archetypal).
For your morning routine to work and be done by you every morning, all of your bodies need to be allowed to say what they need.
Invite 5 people, meet online or offline. Each of these people represents one of your bodies.Proceed by suggesting each of the items in your morning routine so that all bodies hear it. The 5 bodies can now indicate resistance by raising their hands. Each extended finger means resistance. Resistance is possible from zero to 10. Zero means that this body completely agrees with the suggestion.
If a body has resistance to a morning routine suggestion, it must explain what the resistance is and make a new suggestion. The resistance is then asked again about this new suggestion. Everything can be negotiated.
You do this procedure until all points of the morning routine are designed in such a way that none of your 5 bodies has resistance anymore.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code PHASE1N2.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code PHASE1N2.04
Commit to doing your morning routine every day for six months. If you are not able to do this and for example keep forgetting or skipping single points, it could be that one of your 5 bodies has resistance and boycotts this point or the whole morning routine.
Then invite the 5 people again (from the previous experiment)and do a morning routine 2.0 process with them. Ask all the points again one by one. What has changed in terms of needs?
How exactly does the morning routine need to be so that all bodies have no resistance to it?
Invite the 5 people again and again when there is a need for clarification, resistance, legends to tell.
When the half year is over, invite the 5 people again. Clarify with them the question of what happens next. The experiment is over, but does the morning routine continue? What of it continues? And why?Find a way in which none of the 5 bodies has any resistance.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code PHASE1N2.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PHASE1N2.05
In our modern culture, it is uncommon or even considered dangerous to walk barefoot outside of one's home or garden. It is so uncommon that walking barefoot is not even considered. It is even considered dangerous (or at least mentally ill) to walk barefoot outside of one's home or garden.
This is a multi-stage experiment. Each stage is conducted for three days.The intensity and dangerousness increases as the stages progress. The experiment can be performed at any time of the year and in any country of the world.
Stage 1: Walk barefoot in your house and garden for three days. No shoes, no socks.
Stage 2: Walk barefoot for three days in your house and garden and inside other houses. No shoes, no socks. This means you wear shoes on the street but not in your office.
Step 3: Walk around without shoes or socks for three days.For each stage, write down in your BEEP!Book your feelings and emotions, what you learned about yourself and others, what you observed about yourself.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code PHASE1N2.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This experiment is worth 7 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PHASE1N2.06
Remember that there is a crack between phase 1 and phase 2. This crack ensures that there are two phases at all, because if there were not, there would be only phase 1. The crack is where love comes in. In this experiment, you can find out if this is true.
Write down what belongs to phase 1 in baking a loaf of bread. Write down all the individual points exactly as they are done one by one.
You need to make the decision to bake a loaf of bread. You need to know what you need to bake a loaf and you need to write a shopping list. And so on. Write down all the steps up to the point where you take the bread out of the oven and put it on the table. It's done. Somewhere here, phase 1 might end.
What might Phase 2 look like if you allow LOVE to come through the crack between Phase 1 and Phase 2 to that finished, fragrant, crusty bread whose smell fills the whole house? Open the windows and let the smell of the bread flow out into the street. What is phase 2? Bread and love? Maybe you already have some ideas of your own about what Phase 2 might be.
If not, try some of these things out:
- Invite friends over. Have freshly baked bread, butter and salt. Eat on the floor with your fingers. Be barefoot. Be naked inside and talk about what is burning inside each of you. If nothing burns, be silent.
- Divide the bread into as many pieces as you have neighbors. Ring each one individually and give each his or her part of the bread as a gift. Add that you are pleased with the idea that all of you in this house can eat some of this delicious bread.
- Carry the bread with you for a whole week. Have it with you wherever you go. The bread will see for itself where and how it is needed. You are only the carrier.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code PHASE1N2.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PHASE1N2.07
Get in touch with a PM team in a country whose language you do not speak. Say that you will come to the meeting for three consecutive weeks. Say that you will experiment with how your heart can connect with the hearts of others, even if your intellectual body cannot make itself understood.
In any case, the team should continue to communicate in their native language for the three weeks and not switch to English. No translation is needed for you.
Let all bodies be present at the call. Your head has no chance to learn the new language during these three weeks. Let the other bodies speak and understand. What feelings and emotions does your emotional body perceive? This is international and you just need to perceive it.
How are the physical bodies expressing themselves? What are you perceiving, how the people are showing themselves, what is there to see in the background, who else is in the room?
What does your energetic body perceive? What is the structure in the group? What is rather dense and heavy, what do you perceive as light and playful?
With everything you perceive, understand and see, you can say something. You can speak a few sentences in your language, even if no one understands.
What feelings / emotions are in you when you do this?After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code PHASE1N2.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PHASE1N2.08
Sit down every night for a week and write down what happened today. Write a short account of the day so that even 10 years from now you will have a clear idea of what happened during this week of your life. When you have written it down, call a friend and share with them what you just wrote down about your day. Tell him what happened today, what moved you, who you talked to and what you did.
Do all this without judging whether your experiences are meaningful or important. Do it just like that, for no reason.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code PHASE1N2.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
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Matrix Code PHASE1N2.00
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Matrix Code PHASE1N2.00
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code PHASE1N2.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!